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Deposit is £295 and balance is due 4 weeks before the course begins


Violet Ray Stellar Gateway Tuning Forks - set of 9 channelled tuning forks


19 Stellar Gateway cards



"Once we were beautiful Light Beings, we came from many galaxies and we were only the purest of energy, vibration, love and light. And oh such deep deep love.This light and this love was so magnificent. The deepest, purest love to the Divine Core of the Universe.

These Light Beings embodied qualities for mankind such as Peace, harmony, love, happiness, connection, clarity & focus, wisdom & truth, freedom and total Oneness. There was no human form. This came later as we chose to experience what it was like to be human. Our task was to help mankind. This is why some of us decided to come to earth.

These qualities for Mankind, became light rays and key codes for the Web of Life according to Divine Law and Vibration and so they could be 'called in' at anytime should the Light Being forget who they truly were and ultimately where they came from. When the humanness became too much, these light rays could be brought in to soothe the weary Soul of the human traveller. Life was harder on earth than the Light Beings could have imagined, and so many forgot that they could bring the light rays back to their heart. They felt this was their path and why they were learn.

No, no, no, the Divine Love looked on, this was not the intention of why these Light Beings came to earth. They came to bring light into the shadows. They had forgotten.

Where was the Love for Mankind and fellow man? Where was the Harmony living with ones brother and sister? Where was the peace? So much opposition to peace.

How many people were truly happy? And what made them happy. So much sadness in the world. Connection to the beloved planet and to each other did not seem part of the human life plan.

Leading to lack of clarity and focus as they started to become lost. These light beings had forgotten their wisdom with which they came to earth with and allowed their freedom to be confined.

Their connection to the ONE was weak.

So the light rays return in the form of the Stellar Gateway vibrations, the key codes to the Web of Life will return through all those called to come. We will work with the Sacred Sites and the Dragon Heart Lines and will cascade this energy through the earth's connective Web of Life using these Dragon lines (laylines) to connect and bathe all those light beings on earth who agreed to come and have the human experience. So many of us.

We will feel the deepest Love in our hearts and all the light codes will flood our human body and we will get a sense to remember OUR light. This will spread as the Web of Life and our Love becomes reconnected and reintegrated to each and every Being with the strongest connection knowing we are totally made from Love and therefore we are ONLY Love. That is what is important. ONLY love.

So in Divine Love and Grace open your heart and receive, take time as the highest vibrations of mankind are channelled into your body. Using transmissions of Sacred Sound, the Lower energy vibrations are replaced with the light rays from Home. Let the Divine Vibrations wash through and over you and know every light ray has been received from the highest Source of Love."


As promised feedback. I fell asleep through a lot of the session my lovely but did feel surges of energy more than a few times. Appeared to be mostly around my solar plexus and sacral chakras. Felt like waves washing over me. On one occasion I felt surrounded by light. Feeling on both counts felt soothing and I definitely felt like I was being held and cared for. Interestingly when I woke properly my lower back ache appears to be gone. Suki loved it as well. Thank you Amber for holding me and sending me whatever energy I needed. Much appreciated 🏽


Hi my darling. From the beginning I felt a heavy weight on my chest. I saw golden light for a while, then it changed to purple. I could see flowers outlined in black.I cried several times throughout. I saw my brother when he was younger with mane of auburn hair that he always wore long. He was smiling. The light changed to the colours of Atlantis but still thus swirling purple with black flowers. At one point I felt tugging on my root chakra, then a lot of warmth. Colours changed to gold. Towards the end everything went black and I remember putting my hand to my head. Then the gold light came back in and I saw a group of angels briefly. There was a lot of heaviness in my throat too. Right now I am seeing my brother smiling where I was only picturing his horrible death. Please thank Noreen for me. Yours with love.

Carol.. Noreen

Thank you. That was so lovely and expansive.

To begin with I was aware of the color red and a sensation above my right eye. This moved to sensations all over the body. I saw myself as a small child looking up at the stars with very tall being around me. I was in awe of everything. I then was taken deeper. I came to at 12:45 feeling deeply rested and refreshed.

Please thank Jennifer for me. It was wonderful 🧡


Wow again I felt it was a little gentler energy till it got to my tummy area and my gum in my left cheek were I had a biopsy then so very powerful it felt as if my cheek inside was being gently sucked out as if taking away any toxins there and powerful in my left lower tummy that started around 12.20..

I could feel heat work down from top of head and down could feel heat around my cheeks and ears especially ..the heat is still here on my left side of my face as I'm writing this now..I could feel again on my left side was the end of positions..

Another talented healer again so proud that you are sending all these angels out and they can go all over the world sharing there healing borders can stop them no transport needed just intention of thought and sounds how blinking wonderful is these .Please can you thank Carol so much for her healing today..I kept going in and out of deep purple..magical you must be so proud of your prodigies xxbless you love and sparkles Pat


hi Debbie.. this is my feed back

first of all id like to say a massive thankyou to Claudia for the sacred sound healing, blessings to you 🏻

it first i didn't feel much but then about 5 minutes in boom, i was fully plugged in and felt massive energy flow within me that was very powerfully working on the areas of my body that im needing it and have been working on my myself.. there was deep shifting and movement within me a very intense but pleasant energy flow throughout the whole experience.

i now feel expanded and still very plugged in to divine current as i can still feel it working on me.

thankyou so much for the session, i am most grateful and most definitely would book in again and will as its so needed right now.

thankyou, thankyou, thankyou


Feedback on my Stellar Gateway Sound Healing with Alison. First, right now I am feeling so calm that finding the words to describe what I received is somewhat difficult. I felt the energy mostly in my skull/jaw area, especially at the beginning ( very normal for me). Eventually the energy spread throughout my body. I began with the colour pink/rose being present, eventually shifting to gold and then to purple/violet. I brought in the energy of the picture I had chosen and felt the energy of the spiral. First working from the base upwards and switching from top to bottom and just at the end, the spiral seemed to be going both ways at once. I had the energy of St. Germaine come in with the Purple Ray at the end. I know that I will continue to integrate these energies and am filled with the deepest of Gratitude

Also, I want you to know I so appreciated Alison sending me pictures of the Healing Bed she set up for my distant healing session. One more thing I wanted you to know is that the choice of the word Doula in her description touched me seems so fitting


I chose love!

It was so power-full and relaxing. I could feel a release in my heart - it's from a relationship..... It needed to shift, so thank-you. When it finished my top front right thigh felt numb and a bit cold -

I'm not sure if that's connected ot anything, it's settled now...overall, it was amazing and I really enjoyed it. I felt like I was laying on your couch!

Thank you so much for your time and beautiful energy, I really needed that


Please thank Julie for the much-needed healing today, as I had been feeling heady and lethargic from a head cold beforehand. I experienced a comforting warmth rising up my body almost straight away. I was cocooned in a golden energy which was serene and peaceful. I was so relaxed that I dropped off to sleep (sorry). When I woke up at 12.38, my head was much lighter and balanced. xx




Monday 19th ~ Friday 24th
Stellar Gateway ~ Pathway to Ascension IN PERSON £995

Advanced Sound Healing Training 

(Only for Ambassadors of Sound who have done the 3 or 5 day training) 



Violet Ray Stellar Gateway Tuning Forks - set of 9 channelled tuning forks


19 Stellar Gateway cards




The Stellar Gateway ~ Pathway to Ascension

(Written and gifted to me on my 55th birthday in 2020)

The birth of a new way of healing that will bring health, happiness, a deep sense of calm into deep akashic cellular level; healing the ancient DNA and a Divine peace to the mind. Introducing Sound Healing and hands on Divine Healing with the Stellar Gateway Tuning Forks of the Violet Ray for Transmutation, Love and Transformation. Bringing in the balance of Mother Earth with the Spirit of Nature featuring Celtic Spirituality ; As Above, So Below.

This unique, bespoke course is a way of keeping our precious energy body healthy on many levels, from the DNA in our cells, all the way to our auric field and into the matrix, yet with out feet firmly planted on the ground.

At this time there are great adjustments going on with many people's health and well being. For some, they are affected adversely by the increasing digital age of expansion. All systems are compromised, however systems greatly affected are the nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems. More than ever people are being diagnosed with energy illness and dis-ease of unknown case. Anxiety is on the increase as the fight and flight response is activated by external stimuli. Heart opening symptoms mirroring cardiac episodes.

The external world of 5g, Wi-Fi electromagnetic stress, geopathic stress, fracking, chemical toxic overload in water, food and the air we breathe is the root cause of many discordant conditions. Bring to that the emotional sensitivity of many people awaking to a new dawn of coexistence and the result is overload. The precious human circuitry is over stimulated, over wired and boom, it is too much. The human 3D experience cannot cope with all the external hard driving forces for faster, better, smarter.

Imagine the year of birth, the era your precious cell mitosis bringing forth life. All before the booming of the digital world, there was a simplicity of life. Fast forward 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years plus. The creative spark of cell generation that become you, is ill equipped for the harshness of the cyber influences which quite frankly are everywhere as already mentioned. Updating the energy system to vibrate to the 21st Century rhythm is vital. Bringing all the body systems in alignment with the resonance of the 7th Ray, stepping into a paradigm of Primordal Truth and Omnipresence is to bring utopia on Earth. It can be this way, individually and collectively. The single step begins with you and me, stepping in harmony with Divine Creator Source.

We look to complementary ways to live in coexistence with what is happening externally, so internally there can be a form of harmonic resonance to return our precious energy body to Divine Crystalline Light and Love with the Truth of God/Source. Seeking ways of internal rewiring to the dimensional design of 2020 and beyond.

Introducing the Stellar Gateway, which are 9 Pillars of Divine Truth leading back to the beginning of the light of the collective consciousness of the Divine Assembly. The Pillars include Peace, Harmony, Love, Happiness, Connection, Clarity and Focus, Wisdom, Freedom, Completion.

The Violet Ray is the highest visible ray on the colour spectrum and leads to transmutation, purification and transformation of earth bound emotions and actions. It acts as a light sabre cutting through anything not in alignment with the resonance of the heart. It brings a pure sense of well being and all that goes with that.

Celtic Spirituality and the Spirit of Nature is convening with Divine Creator in all that is within and around you; the Air, Water, Fire, Earth and of course Spirit. Bringing in the practice of Sound Meditation, so the mind is a clear channel to hear the inner and outer words of Divine Love, Light and Grace. Tuning into ALL the senses, bringing a natural sense of awareness in every day life. Convening with nature as to experience connecting deeply to the Creators Truth for mankind in the rivers, seas, ocean; trees, woodland, forests; fauna and flora; animals of all species; the sun and moon; planets and solar system; the Star People; Cosmic and Universal infinity; of Home and indeed so much more we don't even know yet.

We will become Human Tuning Forks and bring hands on healing into the practice as well as the sound instruments. prayer, mantra, intent, connecting to the As Above, So Below.

How will this help you?

You will gently return to the frequency that is comfortable for you. Retuning the bandwidth (like tuning in a radio), coming Home to your Divine existence. No more white noise haze as you now live in sympathetic resonance with the Divine Creative Source. A clarity of mind as you step into your pathway to Ascention with ease and flow. Casting off the shackles of past lives, surrendering cords and attachments in this life, releasing Karmic debts and honouring ancestral memory patterns.

Pre requiste is you have had to have done some energy healing or therapy before. This course is not for beginners. I have other Tuning Fork courses that would be suitable for beginners.

1. War/Stress turns to Peace

2. Discord to Harmony

3. Fear to Love

4. Sadness to Happiness

5. Disconnected to Connected

6. Lost to Focus and Clarity

7. Ignorance to Wisdom

8. Prisoner to Freedom

9. Scattered to Complete


I undertook the first course of the Stellar Gateway- Pathway to Ascension and it was amazing. As soon as I saw the Images, mandalas and heard the frequencies of each tuning fork it was as if I had seen and heard them all previously in another dimension or past life and was encapsulated by it all.

The course just flowed and felt so indulgent spending hours at a time doing the self care to learn the different treatments- very powerful- the different frequencies flowing through the body one by one but at the end it was as if they all came together intermingling and entwining and flowing through again- total bliss!!

The distant healings were very powerful and could feel the connection and healing taking place. Thoroughly enjoyed the course and has given me more clarity with my soul purpose, connection with spirit and who I AM and the Divine.

Much Love



The course has been phenomenal!

I AM an in person, person. I love to have the whole experience and part of that is having time to be just me away from the family home. But after receiving the guidance that I needed to experience an online course as all of my business is online I AM blown away at how well it translates. I always trusted it did, but now I know that it does. 

I have learnt so much in relation to providing healing online and always felt that the receiver had to be able to hear the sounds to receive the best experience where actually doing the distance healing and both feeling how powerful it was and and receiving feedback to how powerful it was has given me so much insight into how the quantum space works and we are vibrational beings with no real end to us and anything is possible.

The Stellar Gateway Healing and Forks are EVERYTHING I expected and more. I honestly cant wait to start offering this to clients next year. I love the different techniques they are all so so powerful in their own right and how they have been delivered as a training online has been fabulous.

The breakout rooms are so cool and the fact we get to practice on each other and receive is amazing. There has been the right amount of screen time and self learning time as it is nice to come away from the screen and do your own practice. I have missed the interaction between my class mates, and building those new relationships as you really bond when you are in person. I think that is the main downfall but that is not something you can help and does not affect the delivery of the course.

There is not anything that I would change. I have loved every minute and the content is absolutely mind blowing what we can do. I AM LOVE LOVE LOVING the hands on healing, its something that I really miss and the fact it is as above so below you are not too much in the higher energies its such a powerful balance from opposite ends of the spectrum but as one...ITS MY FAVOURITE! The sounding out - putting in and sounding in - taking out is incredible, so simple but you can have major shifts in minutes. And calling all parts of you home through the Stellar Gateway, well what can I say...its insane in the best way!! 

I AM so glad I have done this course, I feel it has completed what I need to do right now.

I have had some of the most incredible healings and shifts on this course and know I will continue to do so. Thank you so much Debbi for bringing this modality into reality it is so so powerful and I know it is going to change so many peoples lives as it has mine already. I have loved the course, I love the stellar gateway and I love you.

Thank You So Much For Everything

Nicky Xxx

Noreen Maynard


Date: 15.11.20

It is hard to believe that we have only one more day to go before the end of this amazing course.

It is humbling to realise that I am one of nine people who is on this ‘Flagship Course’ out of the hundreds of people who Debbi knows. Thank you, Debbi, so much.

I was disappointed when I realised that I would not be going to Cornwall and that the course was to be online. I even considered deferring as I couldn’t visualise how I could arrange the space and not be distracted here.

Then I remembered Debbi saying that when she had to make the difficult decision to do it online, she went and at with her forks. So, I did the same and made the decision (I never thought I would) to do the course and I would make our small summerhouse into my classroom.

I am so, so pleased I made that decision. From the very beginning there was connection between us and the way Debbi teaches is amazing. We listen, learn and then do.

There is so much space to be and do our own work. You grow daily in ways you would never dream. On Saturday Debbi said we would never be the same after all the self-work we would do that day and all we would learn. You hear the words but that is all. However, what she said was true and today is the first day of my life. I woke up with a grin on my face and feeling so very different and eager to learn more and move forward. I am at peace with myself and have hope and an expectancy for the future. I am here for this time and have a purpose and a mission. How it is going to work out I have no idea, but I’m so looking forward to it. Every day an adventure with the tuning forks and sound and all the new technique’s Debbi is teaching us.

So, what is different. After doing the Clear Balance System Course I had already started doing my practice each morning, but this is different.

I have struggled at times to be up and awake earlier enough to do it , but I have ‘persevered’. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday I have been awake at 4am, feeling so different. I have started writing each day. Is what I am writing being channelled. Some of it possibly.

Debbi also said about writing mantras and prayers and I wasn’t sure I could. I’m not there with the prayers yet, but on Friday I wrote –

It is true: I AM PEACE



And again today I wrote: I WALK IN LOVE – I AM LOVE

It’s a start.

I immediately feel the vibrations as I hold my forks (this has been happening for the past few weeks.) and I relax and take in all the vibrations.

I have a great desire to be in Nature and to see where I am led. So much I want to say.

This is a great gift to the WORLD

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Debbi and much love


Stellar Gateway Course 12/11/2020 to 16/11/2020 With Debbi

Having done the original Stellar Gateway course I was so excited to now do the Violet Ray version as I felt that with all our vibrations rising we might need to take the forks to a new vibration, Debbi had it all in hand with this offering.

Originally, we were going to be at Debbi’s house in Cornwall which is such a retreat however lockdown took that away from us. Debbi had of course already put in place back up plans and we did the whole course on Zoom.

We all bonded in the same way as if we had been together in person. The course allowed us self study time which meant we did not have to be Zoomed out at the end of the day.

The course is amazing, the forks are so powerful!! Pure immersion. Learning new techniques has equipped us to go out and help so many people. Debbi really gives you the confidence to use the forks both for ourselves and our clients.

I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to boost their Ascension journey, learn with amazing people and a brilliant teacher and have fun. Forking amazing!!!!

Carol x

The energy that these forks bring through is nothing short of miraculous, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that miracles happen as a result of using them. Life changing and enhancing in just a couple of days of using them. While using them during a distance healing it was clear that a whole new level of connection was taking place. I have felt so much peace during these few days. 

I love every moment of connecting with soul family and I am so grateful for this opportunity and experience. I look forward to training to teach in the future however for now I’m focusing on experiencing the energies for myself and taking them into every cell and atom of my being. I feel the angels working with these energies and intertwining with them. It’s really very special. There are some techniques which have been highlighted which I have been very close to using already intuitively such as connecting from above and below, seeing a flow of energy through and around clients and myself however now I have confirmation that this was guided and also additional information details on the use. Filling in blanks and dotting i’s crossing t’s etc.

Would I recommend the course? Absolutely! Those who are drawn to it and meant to be there will be there. This isn’t necessarily for someone who has only just woken up, that said people are awakening with such speed anything is possible.

If you’re ready to immerse, accept change and to move forward with your life in a positive and vibrant way then this is the course for you.If you are ready to come home, to be yourself, to be complete and to feel incredible. This course is for you.

Thank you Debbi, I love you xxx

Crystal blessings, love & light, Amber

Dear Debbi,

I’ve enjoyed doing this course so much.

The real time distance practice in the breakout rooms with each other is brilliant, along with the 1-1 distant healing we did with the people who volunteered to receive.

This in my opinion really makes the difference. I loved being part of your first online course in June as you know, though you need to know, you’ve come on leaps and bounds teaching online since then. It just feels so comfortable, natural and professional. Almost as though we’re there with you. Getting direct feedback From treatments given and seeing the sounding out in practice in front of me on the screen was so helpful and amazing.

I like the daily contact too.

I feel deeply honoured and privileged to be sharing this experience with you.

The forks are the most important part of my life now and getting up daily at 5am has become simply normal and my most treasured time of the day. It’s my time, when everyone else sleeps. In 5months I’ve transformed, I’ve lost the guilt pattern, the people pleasing...I feel empowered and confident, with self belief, which I’ve never truly had before, I’m shining fearlessly and it feels really good. You’re amazing and I know I’ll be sharing this journey with you for a very long time to come and I can’t forking wait!

Love, Cherie xx

I’ve only recently been introduced to tuning forks. I knew as soon as I saw the ultra violet ray tuning fork how special they are. I had to be on this Stellar Gateway course no matter what. I figured that the money would come for me to attend so I didn’t sweat the details. I haven’t been so laser clear that I have to do something for a long time. I timed my exit from my family home so I could attend this course. I am now in school as an ASN so can only attend courses in school holidays, except this one! This one I had the time agreed and when lock down occurred I crossed everything in the hope that it would still go ahead in whatever format as I couldn’t again guarantee the time off I needed.

So many things are falling into place. Earlier this year I ordered a board and what arrived was something different, it was the Flower of Life, I wondered at the time what I would use it for as I had no idea. I’ve had Platonic solids for years wondering when the time would be right for them. So when I saw them in the manual I knew that these things were all brought together for me.

The power of the tuning forks really knocked me out the first day and I still felt the effects the next day. Every evening I have felt so very tired like I’ve worked really hard and I know its the energy from using and receiving from these amazing tuning forks. I think the start of anything new is really special and I am so grateful to be a part of this with such amazing dulas.

The second day by the end my tummy was really sore like you didn’t want to move and it certainly helped cleanse my system. Exchanging treatments has been good and its been very interesting to see how everyone sets up a treatment space. All my stuff is in boxes and I haven’t had time to find where these tools are so have had to keep it really simple but its the actual tools, the tuning forks that have the energy and the power as it doesn’t seem to have affected in any way the way a treatment has been received. The visual is good though for clients to see and I respect that too.

I love the paintings you had done.

I am shifting a huge way on my spiritual journey and I love having these tuning forks to help me as well as being so excited to share with others.

For some reason the Universe had decreed not for me to see what Carol Newman downloaded as she has emailed it to me three times at two addresses and I’ve still not seen what it was. Chat is only available on apple at the time of sign in for that session not previous, so I will be interested to see at the end what it was.

Thank you for the Stellar Gateway and for the opportunity to connect with you and all the other ladies.



Really interesting...instead of sitting quietly i took fur boyz out to somewhere local. No one walking and relaxing watching them get wet and muddy. It was like a light switch as I was tuning time shouted at me. Me time, lost grip on what is important. So I have come home and putting into action and remember those things I love doing and the forks have more than one use....

Thank you. Cant wait to be on this course for real xxx


Wow, Debbi and lovely sound ambassadors. That was amazing. I called it in when I went to bed and had the best nights sleep I have had for3 weeks, and woke up without a stiff neck. We are decorating at the moment, the house is in turmoil and we are sleeping in the lounge, so I have been a bit jangly feeling of late, but today I felt whole again. Thank you so much.


Hey Debbi, I didn't get a chance to contact you after sound healing that you did a few days ago but it was great. I picked the heart image and tuned in at a later time, but what I felt was pretty intense nonetheless. A lot of heart activation crown, casual chakra and elsewhere. Beautiful and very relaxing! <3 I even ended up doing it twice and it still works :-) Thanks and I hope you do this again sometime!


Hi Debbi <3 thanks for the healing, i saw a lot of white light, felt peaceful and strong energy. my cat lay on me and was loving it puuuring away. im meeting someone this afternoon been kinda dating im nervous as difficult conversation ahead but feel clearer and stronger now xx


Wow could feel energy flooding through my body. Feeling very peaceful and lighter ️. Lots of love xx


Debbi, Thank you...that was wonderful. Firstly I was drawn to the top middle picture in your images. As for the Healing , I was surrounded by glowing Orbs of light followed quite often by zig zag shards of light. I went very deeply into what felt like a tunnel of warmth, very peaceful indeed. I thank you so much, absolutely wonderful. Am I right in thinking you finished the Healing a few mins after 12.45pm ? I went cold quite quickly. Thank you Thank you Thank you, lots of love to you all.


Thank you very much for your kindness healing,I feel lots purpose and white colours around my head,much relax,thank you again,️


Testimonial for stellar gateway: after a few minutes I felt totally relaxed and in total harmony. I could feel some pulling/dragging in my solar plexus and sacral- something was pulled out and released - feeling total peace. A warm feeling went through my whole body. I could see purple light moving into white light and back to a deep purple. Feeling now love, happiness, peace, harmony and wellbeing in my body. At the beginning I had a sharp pain in my neck, this is now a little niggle. Thank you

So looking forward to doing the next stellar gateway course with you

Gabi ..unity

Took me a while to switch off ‘brain babble’.... then suddenly was going up through a staircase of Light & through a gateway & out in to the void.... so much Light...... flying free, floating in Universal consciousness. Connected with a beautiful being.

Thank you. Blessings xxx


Hi Debbi Thankyou, I found it really difficult to settle very twitchy to start .. felt like I had a down load and stuff removed from causal chakra .. then came over emotional 🤷‍♀️which passed then just peace xx


Thank you so much for the healing, I felt wrapped in warmth and floating in light, it really helped to ease my sudden backache and ongoing sinus pain. I feel so much better now ️️️ xxx


Hi Debbi

That was amazing, thank you so much 🥰

Within seconds I reached still point and started going within, at the same time I could feel ripples of vibration around my head. I then felt totally cocooned in this wonderful calm energy and a sense of being totally safe in a bubble. Intense tingly energy began to travel up from my feet to my legs and body followed by an immense heat throughout. I then began to float and I saw colours of green, purple, blue and started to float towards a bright light…..eventually I was immersed in this bright sparkly white light with angels around. It was truly peaceful, liberating and beautiful. I was just energy for a while until I became aware of my body again by the swirling of energy around my heart, throat, 3rd eye and crown followed by a feeling of peace, calm and harmony. And just before 12:45, I had the urge to have a big stretch and I could feel every cell of my body vibrating at a higher frequency……it was an incredible experience. Thank you so much Sending you much love and light and I hope to attend your courses in the future


WOW that was rather interesting.

Saw lots of purples.

Some random stabby pain in my left leg a couple of times in different places.

Felt really relaxed and chilled.

At one point a whoosh of energy and lots of yellow/white then went ice cold even though was under my blanket.

Got up at about 1 as really needed a pee.

But had to lye down again next thing I knew it had gone 2pm... opps

Must of needed it.

Thank you.

Looking forward to you telling us about the meaning behind those beautiful pieces of artwork.

Thank you xx xx



As promised feedback. I fell asleep through a lot of the session my lovely but did feel surges of energy more than a few times. Appeared to be mostly around my solar plexus and sacral chakras. Felt like waves 🌊 washing over me. On one occasion I felt surrounded by light. Feeling on both counts felt soothing and I definitely felt like I was being held and cared for. Interestingly when I woke properly my lower back ache appears to be gone. Suki loved it as well. Thank you Amber for holding me and sending me whatever energy I needed. Much appreciated 🙏🏽💜


Hi my darling. From the beginning I felt a heavy weight on my chest. I saw golden light for a while, then it changed to purple. I could see flowers outlined in black.I cried several times throughout. I saw my brother when he was younger with mane of auburn hair that he always wore long. He was smiling. The light changed to the colours of Atlantis but still thus swirling purple with black flowers. At one point I felt tugging on my root chakra, then a lot of warmth. Colours changed to gold. Towards the end everything went black and I remember putting my hand to my head. Then the gold light came back in and I saw a group of angels briefly. There was a lot of heaviness in my throat too. Right now I am seeing my brother smiling where I was only picturing his horrible death. Please thank Noreen for me. Yours with love. 🌈💕

Carol.. Noreen

Thank you. That was so lovely and expansive.

To begin with I was aware of the color red and a sensation above my right eye. This moved to sensations all over the body. I saw myself as a small child looking up at the stars with very tall being around me. I was in awe of everything. I then was taken deeper. I came to at 12:45 feeling deeply rested and refreshed.

Please thank Jennifer for me. It was wonderful 🧡


Wow again I felt it was a little gentler energy till it got to my tummy area and my gum in my left cheek were I had a biopsy then so very powerful it felt as if my cheek inside was being gently sucked out as if taking away any toxins there and powerful in my left lower tummy that started around 12.20..

I could feel heat work down from top of head and down could feel heat around my cheeks and ears especially ..the heat is still here on my left side of my face as I'm writing this now..I could feel again on my left side was the end of positions..

Another talented healer again so proud that you are sending all these angels out and they can go all over the world sharing there healing borders can stop them no transport needed just intention of thought and sounds how blinking wonderful is these .Please can you thank Carol so much for her healing today..I kept going in and out of deep purple..magical you must be so proud of your prodigies xxbless you love and sparkles Pat 💜💜


hi Debbie.. this is my feed back💛

first of all id like to say a massive thankyou to Claudia for the sacred sound healing, blessings to you 🙏🏻💛

it first i didn't feel much but then about 5 minutes in boom, i was fully plugged in and felt massive energy flow within me that was very powerfully working on the areas of my body that im needing it and have been working on my myself.. there was deep shifting and movement within me a very intense but pleasant energy flow throughout the whole experience.

i now feel expanded and still very plugged in to divine current as i can still feel it working on me.

thankyou so much for the session, i am most grateful and most definitely would book in again and will as its so needed right now.

thankyou, thankyou, thankyou ✨💛✨


Feedback on my Stellar Gateway Sound Healing with Alison. First, right now I am feeling so calm that finding the words to describe what I received is somewhat difficult. I felt the energy mostly in my skull/jaw area, especially at the beginning ( very normal for me). Eventually the energy spread throughout my body. I began with the colour pink/rose being present, eventually shifting to gold and then to purple/violet. I brought in the energy of the picture I had chosen and felt the energy of the spiral. First working from the base upwards and switching from top to bottom and just at the end, the spiral seemed to be going both ways at once. I had the energy of St. Germaine come in with the Purple Ray at the end. I know that I will continue to integrate these energies and am filled with the deepest of Gratitude 💞🎶💞

Also, I want you to know I so appreciated Alison sending me pictures of the Healing Bed she set up for my distant healing session. One more thing I wanted you to know is that the choice of the word Doula in her description touched me seems so fitting💞


I chose love! 😍

It was so power-full and relaxing. I could feel a release in my heart - it's from a relationship..... It needed to shift, so thank-you. When it finished my top front right thigh felt numb and a bit cold -

I'm not sure if that's connected ot anything, it's settled now...overall, it was amazing and I really enjoyed it. I felt like I was laying on your couch!

Thank you so much for your time and beautiful energy, I really needed that💜


Please thank Julie for the much-needed healing today, as I had been feeling heady and lethargic from a head cold beforehand. I experienced a comforting warmth rising up my body almost straight away. I was cocooned in a golden energy which was serene and peaceful. I was so relaxed that I dropped off to sleep (sorry). When I woke up at 12.38, my head was much lighter and balanced. 💜🙏💜 xx


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